
Curious to know what an investment in solar looks like?

Customers invest in solar for a variety of reasons, and it is important to know how solar may meet your goals.

影响回报的因素很多, 包括系统每瓦的成本, 它的能源生产, 出口信用值, 还有你的税收抵免资格. A system’s energy production depends on the technology used, 系统如何配置, 环境因素.

另外, hg8868皇冠下载’s rules and pricing structures are not contracts and are subject to change at any time with approval from the IPUC. 对 薪酬结构 could result in changes to how excess energy sent back to the grid by the customer is measured and credited and the value of that credit. Those changes could impact any savings realized from a rooftop solar system and potential payback on the investment.


The example below shows a customer who uses an average amount of energy per year and installs a standard system with a life of 30 years. This customer would see a simple payback period of 14-18 years under the current net billing structure. If the system is financed, the simple payback period extends further. If the investment is evaluated using a discounted payback method, which is more accurate for evaluating the financial value of a project, it may not pay back over the life of the system regardless of whether it is financed or paid for in cash.

Example for using solar on-site generation to match about 75% of a home’s energy use under current and proposed future 薪酬结构s.




Average Monthly Bill: $122 on the standard residential rate




测量时间间隔 网络计费 净计费使用时间 
超额能源信用值 4.8¢非高峰
14至18岁 17至21岁
23 - 27岁 经济损失. 30年内不偿还.
25 - 29岁 经济损失. 30年内不偿还.
(Discounted Payback) if Financing with 20-year Loan
经济损失. 30年内不偿还. 经济损失. 30年内不偿还.

The estimates and assumptions used in the payback scenarios are generalizations. Your actual payback will differ based on your energy needs, 太阳能系统的大小和成本, 贷款利率, 税收抵免资格, and any changes to hg8868皇冠下载’s 薪酬结构. You can view your monthly and annual energy needs on hg8868皇冠下载’s 我的账户. For a personalized estimate of solar, hg8868皇冠下载 recommends 寻找专业安装人员 并得到多方出价.

The payback scenarios shown above used the following inputs:

  • 家庭能源使用:12,000千瓦时/年(~1,000 kWh per month) with energy use highest in winter and summer for heating and cooling.
  • 太阳能光伏系统尺寸:6千瓦DC solar array (a common size for hg8868皇冠下载 customers) in Boise. Production based on representative residential customer generation customer bills and compared to estimates from National Renewable 能源 Laboratory’s (NREL) 光伏瓦计算器,使用计算器的默认设置.
  • 系统成本:3美元.00 to $4.每瓦00美元的NREL S. 太阳能 Photovoltaic System and 能源 Storage Cost Benchmarks, With Minimum Sustainable Price Analysis: Q1 2022 (nrel.gov) The cost for the example 6 kW solar system is $19,500 before tax credits and deductions.
  • Tax credits: 30% federal tax credit and full Idaho state tax deduction.
  • 能源成本:爱达荷州电力公司的定价 表1 (residential service) with seasonal tiered rates from approximately 8.9 to 14.4美分/千瓦时,平均千瓦时成本约为10美分.
  • 水电费增加.81% per year based on historical data in hg8868皇冠下载’s 综合资源计划(IRP).
  • 贷款详情:6年期贷款.6%的利率. 来源:谷歌项目天窗. 第一年实现的信贷.
  • 贴现率(要求收益率):4.2%. This input should be based on one’s personal needs. 在决定所需的回报率时, 至少, consider inflation and your 贷款利率 to make sure you break even. Decide what is the best use of your money right now by comparing the expected returns from different investment options, 像股票一样, 债券, 其他购买或只是为你的未来储蓄.
  • 超额能源信用值: Time differentiated credit rate of approximately 4.8 to 16.9美分/千瓦时多余的能量输送到电网.
  • Time of Use rate: Payback under a Time of Use rate may be improved by shifting energy use to off-peak times.

想进一步探索吗?? Use our online solar calculator to start your estimate.


If you are considering an investment in solar or solar + storage, use our online 太阳能 Calculator to understand the savings potential based on your rooftop characteristics, 能源使用, 可用的税收抵免和退税, 以及当前公用事业出口信贷利率. Then, compare options to make an informed decision about investing in solar.

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If you’d like to learn more about what an investment in solar would look like at your home, 在线阅读我们的 常见问题打电话给我们 1-800-632-6605 或电子邮件 cg@cqhmmg.com.

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